Linklint Change History
Version 2.3.5 August 13, 2001
o added -no_anchors tag (for larger sites)
o fixed bug that prevented site checks of
some non port 80 sites. (Thanks Rick Perry).
Version 2.3.4 August 8, 2001
o s!//+!/!g inside of UniqueUrl()
o added -http_header and -language options
o added .php and .jar files to file type list
o Look for applet .jar files (archive=*.jar) files
o Default is to use query strings in HTTP site check
o -no_query_string changes back to "old" behavior
(no query strings are used in HTTP site checks).
Version 2.3.3 July 6, 2001
o added 2nd arg to mkdir() for url doc directory
Version 2.3.2 June 22, 2001
o -no_warn_index for missing index file warnings
o -concise_url suppress STDOUT output of valid remote links
Version 2.3.1 June 21, 2001
o site check proxy support: removed conflict with -proxy,
moved proxy support to Request() so it works w/ site
checks as well as remote URL's.
Version 2.3.0 June 3, 2001
o moved home site and email address
o added -help_all -version -license "@"
o updated to GPL
Version 2.2 January 6, 2000
o -output_frames
o -help_all
o @ and @STDIN
o -version
o -url_doc_prefix
o -dont_output xxx
o linklint.txt, linklint.html => index.txt, index.html
Version 2.1 July 24, 1997
o Added html output files. New flags: -docbase, -textonly, -htmlonly
o Changed format of orphans.txt to allow hyperlinks to the orphans
o removed "text after space" warning.
o added -cache flag to control directory of status cache file
Version 2.0.22 July 22, 1997
o bind() local host to socket before connect() fixed a bug on some systems
that were getting a Bus Error on the next remote url after timing out
connecting to host
o fixed -out file when only remote urls are checked
o @@ without a filename defaults to linkdoc/remoteX.txt where
"linkdoc" is the -doc directory.
o added -redirect flag to check for redirected remote urls
(This is disabled when using the modified cache.)
o now cross reference url failures when @@remoteX.txt is input
o removed urltry.txt files, all failed urls are in urlfail.txt files
Version 2.0.21 July 21, 1997
o fixed a bug that caused erroneous "file not found" errors on some
files on some Apache Servers running HTTP/1.1
o @@files can now read in HtTp:// (scheme is now case insensitive)
o ignore comments when parsing for redirects
o now allow "--!>" as well as standard "-->" for closing comment.
Version 2.0.20 July 20, 1997
o now convert all linkspecs to lowercase on Windows (unless -case)
o allow linksets to .htm, .html without leading /.
o expanded html documentation
o (-timeout t) allow an additional t seconds to read data
o added -proxy flag for remote url proxy server (beta)
o only print out tags with links in -db3 mode
o added -redirect for checking meta redirects in remote urls (beta)
Version 2.0.19 July 17, 1997
o relaxed requirements for well formed http status line
o now print out malformed status lines in -db8 mode
Version 2.0.18 July 16, 1997
o added named maps to named anchor list
o fixed problem reporting errors for links containing \n
o added log o gif to distribution
o now ignore anchors outside of parse routine
Version 2.0.17, July, 14, 1997
o fixed typos and errors in the documentation. No changes to the code.
Version 2.0.16, July, 14, 1997
o fixed problem of reporting all subdirs as orphans (Ed Greenberg).
o changed format of -password to -password realm user:password.
o allow a DEFAULT password realm.
o beefed up warning messages for passwords.
o full timeout logic implemented for url checking on Unix.
o files excluded by robots.txt are now skipped instead of missing.
o process named anchors to mapped files correctly.
Version 2.0.15, July 4, 1997
o added -password realm:user:password for authorization
o allow optional :port at end of -host hostname
o redid tag logic to emulate (weird) Netscape 3.0 behavior.
o urlwarn.txt now contains warnings like warn.txt file.
o changed many output file names: file_x.txt -> fileX.txt etc.
Version 2.0B14, July 3, 1997
o fixed bug introduced in 2.0B11 of adding basepath to external links.
o now resolve named anchors globally to ignore ones in skipped files.
Version 2.0B12, July 2, 1997
o added a warning for spaces in urls
o changed warning print out now have warn_x.txt and warn_f.txt
o improved printout of failed urls: added urlfailF.txt
Version 2.0B11, July 2, 1997
o ignore text between
which changed some of the parser logic and made it a tad slower.
o stop recursion into default directories in local site check
o print out relative directories instead of absolute
o save url progress to urllog.txt
o changed some of the -db flags, improved -db3 printout
o renamed linklint.doc to linklint.txt
Version 2.0B10, June 30, 1997
o allow named anchors to links that contain queries
o truncate progress on screen to 79 chars/line
o save full progress to dir/log.txt if -doc dir is specified
o changed -log to -out
o default -limit is now 500
o use -host as default basehost
o added schema: 'javascript', 'view-source', 'about'
o check for cgi files first in printing out lost+found lists
o fixed a glitch that did not add basehost to http:file
Version 2.0B9, June 29, 1997
o strip off query before getting basepath/basefile. (Ed Greenberg)
o print out anchor.txt, anchor_x.txt
Version 2.0B8, June 29, 1997
o fixed another Unix/Windows anomaly. Unix would recognize -d "sub/"
as a directory. Now I only append a "/" if the link does not end in "/".
o only print extra map information if a link has actually been mapped.
Version 2.0B7, June 27, 1997
o fixed serious Unix problem of not trying -d on files if -f succeeds.
This prevented linklint from recursing into directory links that
did not end in "/".
o changed printout of local directories to full path w/o trailing /
o changed -unused to -orphan
o changed -ashttp to -http
o changed -aslocal to -local
o added help.html documentation