Checking links via that match: /doc/# /# 2 seeds: / /doc/ Seed: / checking robots.txt for Checking / Checking /license.html Checking /doc/index.html Checking /doc/outputs.html Checking /doc/doc_index.html Checking /links.html Checking /new.html Checking /examples.html ----- /examples/remote/urlindex.html ----- /examples/remote/index.html Checking /download.html ----- /download/ ----- /download/linklint-2.4.beta/ Checking /index.html ----- /examples/local/index.html ----- /download/linklint-2.3.5/ Checking /doc/howitworks.html Checking /doc/inputs.html Checking /doc/hints.html Checking /doc/ Checking /doc/bugs.html Checking /doc/language.html Checking /doc/license.html Seed: /doc/ Processing ... writing files to www/examples/remote wrote 12 txt files wrote 10 html files wrote index file index.html found 5 default indexes found 18 html files found 4 image files found 4 text files found 5 other files found 15 http links found 3 mailto links found 71 named anchors ----- 6 files skipped Linklint found 36 files and checked 17 html files. There were no missing files. No files had broken links. No errors, no warnings.